What is adoption in England? Video

If you’re thinking of adopting in England, this video gives you an overview of the process, what it involves and whether it’s for you.

I’m a mum via adoption and when we started looking into it as the way we wanted to create our family over 10 years ago, I struggled to find books, videos or blogs written by adopters sharing what the process was really like. The agency website gave us the facts, but I wanted to know what it was really like. And that’s why I’ve created this video.

It takes you through the reasons why children require adoption, what the process involves, the assessment, matching and meeting your child. It’s been created for anyone thinking of adopting to give them an idea of the process so they can decide if they want to find out more. The video lasts for just over an hour and can have captions added if required.


What is adoption in England?

Video: £9.99


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