The client
Background Sounds is a royalty-free music streaming business based in the Northeast of England. They provide high-quality licence-free music for business owners allowing them to play background music in their businesses at a fraction of the cost of having a traditional music licence.
The problem
A lot of new clients find their business through Google searches when they’re hit with a huge fine from PRS PPL for playing music in their business without the correct licence, or when they’re looking at an alternative to buying an expensive music licence. As the business has grown, co-owner Mel struggled to find the time to write optimised blog posts to continue bringing in new leads and clients.
As a lot of their new clients find the business through blog posts, Mel wanted someone else to take over blog writing but also needed them to be able to research topics and optimise the posts so that they continued to attract new people to their business.
The solution
Mel contacted me and started a fortnightly blog package. This gives Background Sounds two blog posts a month which are engaging, easy to read and packed with value for their clients. The posts are also optimised with the words potential new clients type into search engines when they’re looking for information about royalty-free music.
Some months I write new posts, others I write a combination of a new one and update existing ones that have a lot of traction but have old information or need more content added to make sure they’re answering all of the questions potential new clients have about the benefits of their services.
Mel created a shared content schedule which is updated regularly and contains the posts for the month and any points she’d like them to cover. I then create the content every month, researching the topics she’d like the posts to cover, and write the posts without the need for any meetings or discussions about the posts.
The outcome
Background Sounds has regular, engaging, well-written blog posts that attract new people to their website and answer the questions potential new clients have about the benefits of royalty-free music and how it works so that they comply with all of the regulations set by PRS PPL.
Mel now has more time to spend on other revenue-generating activities in the business because she isn’t having to allocate time to blog writing. This is what she had to say about the benefits of working with me:

Blog packages
I have a range of blog packages, depending on the level of content you require. They provide weekly, fortnightly or monthly posts that help you build your authority and showcase your services, experience and expertise in your field. Having regular, engaging content is vital to not only help your clients get to know you and your work but also to impress search engines so that your website is shown up higher in results pages.
Blog packages start at £165 for one post a month. You can either pick the content topics, or I can research and choose the topics and the posts can be new, or updating existing ones.
Head to my blog packages page to get all of the details about the service and book. If you’d like regular tips and business chat direct to your inbox, join my weekly newsletter, The SEO Club.