Having regular blog posts on your website is a great way of getting your website seen and showing up in search engines. It increases the number of pages on your website which shows search engines it’s an active site. And linking to other sites in your posts helps to increase your rankings.
But most importantly, having regular blog posts helps your audience get to know and trust you. If they trust you, they’re more likely to want to buy from you. And then recommend that their friends buy from you too. If you want to read about the benefits in more detail, this article from Hubspot is a good read.
Writing doesn’t come easily to everyone though. And not everyone finds it easy to create time in their schedule to write regularly or prioritise is above other things. Running a business brings with it a lot of pressure and often a to-to-list as long as your arm. Setting aside time to write might seem like a luxury you can’t afford. Particularly if you’re trying to keep up with orders. Or launch a new product or service.

So, how can you easily fit in writing new content for your website, without it feeling like a burden?
Create a writing habit
Creating a writing habit that fits into your day easily is the best way of creating regular content, without it taking up too much time. Here are some tips to help you get started:
Work out when you’re most productive during the day. For me, it’s early morning. Make yourself a cuppa and set the timer on your phone for 20 minutes. Either grab a pen and notebook, or your laptop and just write. During that time, don’t be tempted to look at emails or messages. To start with, it doesn’t matter what you write about, just write whatever comes into your head.
When your timer goes off after 20 minutes, stop writing. Do that three times a week.
Content ideas
Get into the habit of making a note of content ideas as and when they come to you. You could do this on the notes section of your phone, create a voice note or jot them down if you prefer pen and paper. The ideas don’t have to be business related. They could be to do with something you’ve seen on the news, or a conversation you’ve had that got you thinking.
Start writing a blog post
As you start to get more confident writing, pick one of your content ideas and write a blog about it. Aim for 600-1000 words and to do it in three or four 20-minute slots. Don’t worry about editing at this stage, just get your idea out of your head and into words.
Once it’s done, go back and edit, bearing in mind shorter sentences and paragraphs are best for easy reading. To start with, aim to create a blog a month. Then as you get faster, a blog a fortnight.
Creating a writing habit will help you fit it easily into your day. It doesn’t feel so overwhelming or unachievable when it’s broken down into bite-sized pieces. In the time it takes you to drink your cuppa, you’ll be well on the way to creating a blog post. That feels achievable.
Need some help?
If you’d like some help with content ideas or how to structure your blog post, check out my download guides and Blogging for Business Masterclass. And if you’re worried your post isn’t quite there yet, check out my editing services. I can polish up your post and check it’s using good keywords to make sure it’s showing up in the right places online.
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