
This is Me!

This is Me!

The content on your website doesn't have to be just about your business. Adding in posts about you, your journey to where you are now, your office, how you work and more helps your audience get to know you a bit better. The know, like, trust factor is important when...

Google update: Don’t panic!

Google update: Don’t panic!

There's been a lot of chatter on social media about the recent Google updates, the role of AI, what they mean for SEO and how easily a website is picked up. So, I thought it might be useful to share my views on it. The first thing I want to say is don't panic! This is...

Inspiring businesses: Elena Chow

Inspiring businesses: Elena Chow

If you've followed me for a while, you'll know how much I love words and talking about their importance for your business. So I was thrilled when a fellow word lover agreed to share a bit about herself and her business in the Inspiring Businesswomen series. Elena Chow...

The best kit for small business owners

The best kit for small business owners

If you're a small business owner, life tends to be pretty full-on. I'm always looking for ways to work smarter and better and am keen to find the right tech or app to help. After a very slow start, I'm finally loving using Trello to help me keep track of pretty much...

How to make your blog post stand out

How to make your blog post stand out

How do you make your blog post stand out from the crowd and draw your reader in? The content needs to be engaging and well-structured. You need to make sure you're using the right keywords so that your post shows up in search engines and brings new people to your...

What is EEAT and how will it help my business?

What is EEAT and how will it help my business?

Eating plays a big part in all of our lives. But if you are a business owner, there is a different kind of eating you need to know about. EEAT (experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) are the quality criteria Google uses to assess your...

How to structure a blog post

How to structure a blog post

If you want your blog post to show up in search engines, you need to make sure it's structured in a way that's easy to read and logical. A jumble of words and thoughts that makes your target audience stop reading and look for something else, won't help you grow your...