How on earth is it December tomorrow? We’re bracing ourselves for the return of Chippy and Snowflake, our mischievous elves sent by Father Christmas to check that there’s lots of kindness going on in our house. Our eldest is more excited about their arrival than the big day itself! We quite enjoy the first few days of putting them up to no good, but by the end, we’re very glad that they go back to the North Pole!
Despite my best intentions, I’m usually a last-minute kind of gal, and remember to look for the elves on the evening of the 30th of November (I never remember to make a note of where I’ve put them so I can find them easily the following year). This year, I decided to cover all bases and bought new ones so we have spares should anything happen to the originals.
I’m very glad that I did because when I went to get them from where I thought I’d hidden them, they weren’t there. So, we’re using the new ones and will no doubt find the originals at some point.
Whilst I wouldn’t recommend asking mischievous elves to help you bring new traffic to your website (although they might work well for some!), it’s worth reminding ourselves not to put all of our eggs in one basket when it comes to the methods we use to get more people looking at our businesses online.
Don’t just rely on social media
Social media can be a great way to drive traffic to your website. But it should never be the only method you rely on. Regardless of algorithms and changes in tastes, accounts can and do get suspended or closed down. And if they do, you’ve lost your audience and traffic to your business.
Making sure your website content is engaging, searchable, and well-written, is a reliable way of bringing new traffic and audiences to your business. And once you’ve got people’s attention, you can get them to keep coming back by asking them to sign up for your newsletter. Your mailing list belongs to you, not Facebook or Twitter. So, you’ve always got access to those people who are on it, regardless of what happens to your social media accounts.

If you want to make sure you’re creating regular blog posts for your website, you need to make sure it’s part of your regular routine. I’ve talked about this a lot, but it really is the best way of giving blog writing the importance it deserves.
Create a writing habit
Set aside small chunks of time, two or three times a week to write. Make a plan of content ideas for the month ahead. Plan in your head or on paper what your post is going to be about and do some keyword research so that you know which words need to be added. And then just write.
When you’ve got eleventy billion other things to do in your business, blog writing often gets pushed way down the list. But it is so important to write and publish them regularly so that search engines can see that your website is open for business. A website that hasn’t had any new content for several months will show up a lot lower in search engines than one that has recent blog posts, even if both sites have the same keywords.
I’ve talked a lot about search engines preferring websites with fresh or updated content because it’s a really important point. They consider recent activity when they’re deciding whether to display your content in search results. If you don’t publish regular blog posts, your website has a smaller targeting potential than those that do and will fall lower down the rankings.
What is also important is the quality of the posts. Badly written posts that don’t contain the right words and are difficult to read, won’t improve your ranking in search engines. They will probably make it worse. So, writing posts well is key. But that’s not something that comes easily to everyone which is where I can help.

How I can help you to stop relying on social media
If you aren’t confident about how to write a good blog post, my Blogging for Business Masterclass will show you exactly what to do. It’s a self-paced written masterclass that covers content ideas, SEO and keywords, structuring a post, writing, and then editing it. So everything you need to know about to create engaging and well-written posts that will bring new people to your website.
It’s £34.50 and a brilliant investment in your business as it will show you everything you need to know. Head over to the masterclass page to get all the details and buy it.
Blog and content packages
If time isn’t your friend at the moment, why not outsource your blog writing? I have a range of packages that give you weekly, fortnightly, monthly or one-off posts to help get your business showing up in search engines. They start at £125 for one post every month.
You can either give me the content topic, or I can pick something relevant to your business. And I’ll do the rest. I’ll do keyword research to make sure the post works hard for your business. The post will be easy to read and flow well so that it engages your audience.
If you’d like to have an interview series on your blog, I can organise that too. You can then forget about blog posts until it’s time to hit publish and concentrate on other parts of your business. They’re great to use at any time of the year but are particularly good to get your business seen in the right places to start 2023 off with a bang.
Head over to my services page to get all the details about the packages. If you’ve got any questions about them, get in touch or leave a comment.
More tips and advice
If you’d like to get regular tips and advice about blog writing for your business, subscribe to Wish Weekly which lands in inboxes every Wednesday. There are lots of hints and tips about a range of subjects from creating a regular writing habit, to how to structure a post on my blog. You can also get inspired by some amazing women in my “Inspiring businesses” interview series.