Inspiring Businesses: Meg Roundell Greene

by | Jan 24, 2025

Next up in my series of interviews with inspiring businesswomen is Meg Roundell Greene. Read on to find out about her first job, the best career advice she’s had and how she supports entrepreneurs to thrive.

What was your first job? Did you enjoy it?

My first job was working in my brother’s organic food shop – many years before organic became mainstream and was still well in the ‘hippy dippy’ zone. I guess entrepreneurship runs in the family. And I really didn’t enjoy it. I couldn’t work out the cash register and got really flustered. It’s my first and only shop job! But it gave me some solid experience of how to deal with customers and what not to do – i.e. make sure you get training before you’re in charge of a cash register at 16!

What do you do now? Is this what you originally trained to do?

I’m a sales and marketing coach for business owners – helping them simplify their business plan, get more visible and sell their offers out. When I started in business this was the part I assumed would be easy as I have sales in my background – and it totally stumped me that I had so many mindset challenges about it.

I originally trained in advertising sales, and later on trained as a chef.

How do your services help small business owners?

When I started my business I was so overwhelmed with the amount of conflicting business advice out there – and none of it seemed relatable to me. Now I’m on a mission to demystify the process for entrepreneurs, work with them to find their natural strengths in sales and marketing and help them make repeatable income.

My clients have a simpler business structure, know what their marketing plan is and feel that it’s achievable – and they aren’t afraid of selling anymore! That’s the most powerful shift that I see with my clients, and it’s great to see someone become fully in charge of making the money they want. It’s really empowering for them.

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve been given? How did it help you?

The very best career advice I got was from my Dad who said to find something that you love to do. And I’ve stuck by that! Following that advice led me to train as a chef in my early 20s, and then more recently, leaving my corporate role at LinkedIn and setting up this business.

Following your intuition and the breadcrumb trail of things that inspire you and that you love will always serve you as long as you’re willing to put in the hard work to learn the new skill and test it out.

If you could give your 20-year-old self, one piece of career advice, what would it be?

To delay gratification! To choose a path and then dedicate time to upskilling yourself. Don’t worry about losing time out with friends, or watching TV. Suffering the short-term ‘hard’ of learning something new and doing it means it will pay off many times over in the future. And it’s so worth it.

Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? Beach or pool? Seaside or countryside?

I’m equal parts tea and coffee-loving! I couldn’t possibly choose! My day starts with a mug of tea and then I’ll have one or two coffees (depending on how much sleep my lovely kids have afforded me that night) Always beach and seaside over the countryside every time.

What’s your dream job or client?

My dream job is the one I’m doing now – working with amazing entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in the world through their work. My dream clients are ones that take action and want to improve and always come to our calls with something to evaluate! They tend to be entrepreneurs who have been in business a couple of years or so but feel they need to step up to the next level of income and can’t figure out how that’s possible, are willing to do different things and believe new things about themselves in the process.

You can follow Meg on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, or subscribe to her mailing list to find out about the ways you can work with her.

Meg Roundell Greene

Head to the blog section to read more interviews with inspiring businesswomen who support small business owners and entrepreneurs.


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