Coming up with content ideas can be difficult if it’s something you’re not used to doing. But having fresh, new content on your website is the best way to help people find you and see if your products and services are what they’re looking for.
Your content doesn’t have to be all about business. As well as shouting about what you do, it’s a great way of letting your audience know more about you too. Here’s a few ideas to help get your creative juices flowing:
Come up with five or six questions about you and your business. Then write a list of people you’d like to answer those questions. They could be people you respect in your business, or just people you admire or have a business in your area. Then contact them and ask if they’d like to be featured on your website.
Use your interview as the first one, then make it a monthly feature. Make sure you include links back to the interviewee’s website as that’s a great way of getting yours seen.
Featured product or service
Do a deep dive into your most popular product or service. What is it? What does it do? How does it solve a problem for people? What inspired you to make it? How do you make it if it’s a product? Include photos of work in progress or your workspace if it’s a service.
Use the post to let your audience get to know your business better and how you create what you sell so they can understand whether it’s what they need.
How you got here
Share how you got to where you are today. What training have you done? What inspired you to start your business? How did you start it? What advice do you wish you’d been given at the start? If you’re looking for inspiration for a post like this, have a look at Julia’s.

Sharing how you got here helps your audience understand why you do what you do. And that helps to build up trust that your products or services will do what you say they will. If people trust you, they’re more likely to buy from you.
Share your day
Share what a normal working day looks like for you. What time do you get up? What time do you start work? Where do you work and how often? This is a great way of helping your audience get to know you a bit better and start to build a relationship with them.
Fun or interesting facts about you
Again, this is a great way of letting your audience get to know the person behind the business. You can read my post about this here
Share a quote or saying
Is there a quote that really resonates with you? Write about it and explain why it means so much to you. If it’s something that inspired you to start your business, great. But it doesn’t have to. It could be a saying that means a lot to you or a line in a song. Ask readers to leave a comment with their favourite quote or saying.
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