What is EEAT and how will it help my business?

What is EEAT and how will it help my business?

Eating plays a big part in all of our lives. But if you are a business owner, there is a different kind of eating you need to know about. EEAT (experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) are the quality criteria Google uses to assess your...
How to structure a blog post

How to structure a blog post

If you want your blog post to show up in search engines, you need to make sure it’s structured in a way that’s easy to read and logical. A jumble of words and thoughts that makes your target audience stop reading and look for something else, won’t...
Simple SEO: Word count and making the most of links

Simple SEO: Word count and making the most of links

Does it really matter how many words you have on each page of your website? Surely as long as your copy and content contain keywords, it doesn’t matter how many there are on each page? The answer is, actually, it does matter. It matters a lot. Firstly, the...
How I got here

How I got here

I’ve always dreamed of making a living out of writing. When I was younger, it was just that. A dream. I was happy in my job (I was a solicitor and worked as a legal adviser in Magistrates’ courts). At that stage, I couldn’t imagine my future career...
Why have a  blog on your website?

Why have a blog on your website?

With over 200 million active websites worldwide, yours needs to stand out from the crowd if you want it to help your business grow. Having a blog on your website is a brilliant way of doing this. Having regular, fresh, engaging, and informative blog posts not only...