
Simple SEO: Word count and making the most of links

Simple SEO: Word count and making the most of links

Does it really matter how many words you have on each page of your website? Surely as long as your copy and content contain keywords, it doesn't matter how many there are on each page? The answer is, actually, it does matter. It matters a lot. Firstly, the number of...

How I got here

How I got here

I've always dreamed of making a living out of writing. When I was younger, it was just that. A dream. I was happy in my job (I was a solicitor and worked as a legal adviser in Magistrates' courts). At that stage, I couldn't imagine my future career being anything...

Why have a  blog on your website?

Why have a blog on your website?

With over 200 million active websites worldwide, yours needs to stand out from the crowd if you want it to help your business grow. Having a blog on your website is a brilliant way of doing this. Having regular, fresh, engaging, and informative blog posts not only...

Simple SEO: Where to find the right keywords

Simple SEO: Where to find the right keywords

If you want the people you'd like to do business with to find you online, you need to use the right words in the content and copy on your website. These are the ones your ideal customer types in search engines when they have a problem you can solve. If you don't use...

Reframing SEO

Reframing SEO

Do the three letters S E O bring you out in an allergic reaction and cause you to bury your head in the sand? A lot of small business owners feel completely overwhelmed by SEO because they focus on the technicalities. Words and phrases like "latent semantic indexing"...

Simplifying SEO

Simplifying SEO

Search Engines Optimisation (SEO) basically means getting your website in shape so that it's picked up by search engines. I love sparkly lights and like to use them to explain how SEO works. Thinking sparkly lights is way more fun than using terms like "mobilegeddon"...

How to boost your SEO by being nosy

How to boost your SEO by being nosy

Sometimes, coming up with new website content ideas can be a challenge. Particularly if you want to do something a bit different from your usual blog posts that's also good for your SEO. That's why Q&As are a great option. Once you've done the groundwork, they're...

What advice would you give yourself?

What advice would you give yourself?

I've been reflecting a lot lately on what success means to me. I've been fully self-employed for just over a year and it's definitely been a rollercoaster ride. When I left my job, I didn't really know what I was doing, other than I felt that a huge weight had been...