
Keywords: What they are and how to use them

Keywords: What they are and how to use them

Keywords are the words and phrases people enter into search engines when they're looking for a solution to a problem they have. They're a crucial part of your website copy because they're the link between what potential customers are searching for and the content on...

Guest post: Siân Smith Editorial

Guest post: Siân Smith Editorial

If you're a business owner or author of non-fiction books, read on to find out how Siân Smith, can help your words sparkle and grab and keep the attention of your readers through proofreading and editing. What I offer as a non-fiction proofreader and book editor I’ve...

How I can help your business in 2023

How I can help your business in 2023

As 2022 draws to a close, it's a good time to look back and think about the things that worked well in your business and what didn't work quite so well over the last 12 months. For me, it's been a year of huge change and a massive learning curve. I'm not where I...

Tips for managing overwhelm

Tips for managing overwhelm

There's a lot of feeling of overwhelm around at the moment. The cost of living crisis, strikes, long waiting times for everything, Christmas pressures and the freezing cold weather can make it feel like there's not much to smile about. It's the time of year where our...

Keep it simple

Keep it simple

As time goes on, the human race creates bigger and better things. From mobile phones to coffee makers. From laptops to cars. Generally, technological advances make products better, easier to use, and improve on the previous model. But when it comes to writing, going...

Inspiring businesses: Interview with Katie

Inspiring businesses: Interview with Katie

Next up in my inspiring businesswomen interview series is Katie Carr. I first came across Katie and her work through Annie Ridout's The Robora. She is a digital content creator and copywriter, helping coaches, entrepreneurs get their stories out into the world. Read...

Blogging for Business Masterclass

Blogging for Business Masterclass

Are you a small business owner who wants to create brilliant blogs to bring new customers to your website? Are you fed up with second-guessing social media algorithms? Do you want to find a different way to bring new people to your website?  Do you want to...